(Firefox 4)
Used to style the bullet of a list element. Similar to the standardized ::marker.
(Firefox 1)
Used to style the numbers of a list element. Similar to the standardized ::marker.
(Firefox 1)
Represents placeholder text in an input field
(Firefox 19)
Represents the bar portion of a progress bar.
(Firefox 9)
🚨️ Property is nonstandard. Avoid using it.
The ::-moz-range-progress CSS pseudo-element is a Mozilla extension that represents the lower portion of the track (i.e., groove) in which the indicator slides in an <input> of type="range". This portion corresponds to values lower than the value currently selected by the thumb (i.e., virtual knob).
(Firefox 22)
🚨️ Property is nonstandard. Avoid using it.
The ::-moz-range-thumb CSS pseudo-element is a Mozilla extension that represents the thumb (i.e., virtual knob) of an <input> of type="range". The user can move the thumb along the input's track to alter its numerical value.
(Firefox 21)
🚨️ Property is nonstandard. Avoid using it.
The ::-moz-range-track CSS pseudo-element is a Mozilla extension that represents the track (i.e., groove) in which the indicator slides in an <input> of type="range".
(Firefox 21)
Represents the portion of a document that has been highlighted by the user.
(Firefox 1)
Used to create a backdrop that hides the underlying document for an element in a top layer (such as an element that is displayed fullscreen).
(IE 11)
Represents the browse button of an input type=file control.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the check of a checkbox or radio button input control.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the clear button of a text input control
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the drop-down button of a select control.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the bar portion of a progress bar.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the portion of the slider track from its smallest value up to the value currently selected by the thumb. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the slider track to the left of the thumb.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the portion of the slider track from the value currently selected by the thumb up to the slider's largest value. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the slider track to the right of the thumb.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the password reveal button of an input type=password control.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the portion of range input control (also known as a slider control) that the user drags.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the tick marks of a slider that begin just after the thumb and continue up to the slider's largest value. In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks to the right of the thumb.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the tick marks of a slider that represent its smallest values up to the value currently selected by the thumb. In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks to the left of the thumb.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the tooltip of a slider (input type=range).
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the track of a slider.
(Edge, IE 10)
Represents the content of a text or password input control, or a select control.
(Edge, IE 10)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Edge 79, Safari 5, Chrome 6, Opera 15)
(Chrome, Safari 4)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Edge 79, Safari 5.1, Chrome 12, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 5.1, Chrome 12, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 5.1, Chrome 12, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 5.1, Chrome 12, Opera 15)
(Safari 5, Chrome 6)
(Edge 79, Safari 7, Chrome 25, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 7, Chrome 23, Opera 15)
🚨️ Property is nonstandard. Avoid using it.
The ::-webkit-progress-value CSS pseudo-element represents the filled-in portion of the bar of a <progress> element. It is a child of the ::-webkit-progress-bar pseudo-element.
In order to let ::-webkit-progress-value take effect, -webkit-appearance needs to be set to none on the <progress> element.
(Edge 79, Safari 7, Chrome 25, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 15)
(Edge 79, Safari 3, Chrome 1, Opera 15)
(Chrome, Safari 4)
(Edge 79, Safari 3, Chrome 1, Opera 15)
(Chrome, Safari 4)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera, Safari 6)
Represents a styleable child pseudo-element immediately after the originating element’s actual content.
Used to create a backdrop that hides the underlying document for an element in a top layer (such as an element that is displayed fullscreen).
Represents a styleable child pseudo-element immediately before the originating element’s actual content.
Deprecated. Matches the distribution list itself, on elements that have one. Use ::slotted for forward compatibility.
(Chrome 35, Opera 22)
(Edge 79, Firefox 55, Safari 7, Chrome 26, Opera 15)
(Chrome, Opera 16, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera 16, Safari 6)
(Chrome, Opera 16, Safari 6)
Represents the first letter of an element, if it is not preceded by any other content (such as images or inline tables) on its line.
Describes the contents of the first formatted line of its originating element.
⚠️ Property is experimental. Be cautious when using it.️
The ::grammar-error CSS pseudo-element represents a text segment which the user agent has flagged as grammatically incorrect.
The ::marker CSS pseudo-element selects the marker box of a list item, which typically contains a bullet or number. It works on any element or pseudo-element set to display: list-item, such as the <li> and <summary> elements.
(Edge 86, Firefox 68, Safari 11.1, Chrome 86, Opera 72)
⚠️ Property is experimental. Be cautious when using it.️
The ::part CSS pseudo-element represents any element within a shadow tree that has a matching part attribute.
(Edge 79, Firefox 72, Safari 13.1, Chrome 73, Opera 60)
The ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element represents the placeholder text of a form element.
(Edge 79, Firefox 51, Safari 10.1, Chrome 57, Opera 44)
Represents the portion of a document that has been highlighted by the user.
Matches the shadow root if an element has a shadow tree.
(Chrome 35, Opera 22)
The :slotted() CSS pseudo-element represents any element that has been placed into a slot inside an HTML template.
(Edge 79, Firefox 63, Safari 10, Chrome 50, Opera 37)
⚠️ Property is experimental. Be cautious when using it.️
The ::spelling-error CSS pseudo-element represents a text segment which the user agent has flagged as incorrectly spelled.
⚠️ Property is experimental. Be cautious when using it.️
The ::target-text CSS pseudo-element represents the text that has been scrolled to if the browser supports scroll-to-text fragments. It allows authors to choose how to highlight that section of text.
(Edge 89, Chrome 89, Opera 75)
(Firefox 4)