Interface CSSAtRules<T>

Type Parameters

  • T


  • CSSAtRules


@-moz-document: T

Gecko-specific at-rule that restricts the style rules contained within it based on the URL of the document.

(Firefox 1.8)

@-moz-keyframes: T

Defines set of animation key frames.

(Firefox 5)

@-ms-viewport: T

Specifies the size, zoom factor, and orientation of the viewport.

(Edge, IE 10)

@-o-keyframes: T

Defines set of animation key frames.

(Opera 12)

@-o-viewport: T

Specifies the size, zoom factor, and orientation of the viewport.

(Opera 11)

@-webkit-keyframes: T

Defines set of animation key frames.

(Chrome, Safari 4)

@charset: T

Defines character set of the document.

MDN Reference

@counter-style: T

Defines a custom counter style.

(Edge 91, Firefox 33, Chrome 91, Opera 77)

MDN Reference

@font-face: T

Allows for linking to fonts that are automatically activated when needed. This permits authors to work around the limitation of 'web-safe' fonts, allowing for consistent rendering independent of the fonts available in a given user's environment.

MDN Reference

@font-feature-values: T

Defines named values for the indices used to select alternate glyphs for a given font family.

(Firefox 34, Safari 9.1)

MDN Reference

@import: T

Includes content of another file.

MDN Reference

@keyframes: T

Defines set of animation key frames.

MDN Reference

@media: T

Defines a stylesheet for a particular media type.

MDN Reference

@namespace: T

Declares a prefix and associates it with a namespace name.

MDN Reference

@page: T

Directive defines various page parameters.

(Edge 12, Firefox 19, Chrome 2, IE 8, Opera 6)

MDN Reference

@supports: T

A conditional group rule whose condition tests whether the user agent supports CSS property:value pairs.

(Edge 12, Firefox 22, Safari 9, Chrome 28, Opera 12.1)

MDN Reference