The handler refers to the function unit that handles different props or cases. We can create any utility by combining different handlers, like building blocks.
Note: Before going deep into these handlers, you should read the Utility Customization Document first, make sure that you understand the structure of the API before continuing.
Built-in Handlers
The following built-in handlers can used directly.
Based on the config object, generate css by css property or build function.
Config Object
The config object refers to the object whose value is the css property value.
- Normal object
const borderStyleConfig = {
solid: "solid",
dashed: "dashed",
dotted: "dotted",
double: "double",
none: "none",
// border.solid, boder.dashed, ...
- With default value
const borderWidthConfig = {
DEFAULT: "1px",
0: "0px",
1: "1px",
2: "2px",
4: "4px",
8: "8px",
// border, border[0], border[1], border[2], ...
- Nested object
const gradientDirectionConfig = {
to: {
t: "top",
tr: "top right",
r: "right",
br: "bottom right",
b: "bottom",
bl: "bottom left",
l: "left",
tl: "top left",
deg: degreeConfig,
// gradient.to.t, gradient.to.tr, ..., gradient.deg[15], ...
function configHandler<T extends object>(config: T, property: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[]): StyleProxyHandler<T>;
function configHandler<T extends object, O extends object = {}>(
config: T,
build: (value: unknown) => StyleObject<O> | undefined
): Handler<NestedProxy<T, StyleObject<O>>>;
- With normal css property
import { configHandler, borderWidthConfig } from "windijs";
configHandler(borderWidthConfig, "borderWidth");
- With unusual css property
import { configHandler, opacityConfig, prop } from "windijs";
configHandler(opacityConfig, prop`--w-border-opacity`);
- With css properties
import { configHandler, flexWrapConfig, prop } from "windijs";
configHandler(flexWrapConfig, [prop`-ms-flex-wrap`, prop`-webkit-flex-wrap`, "flexWrap"]);
- With build function
import { configHandler, blurConfig, css } from "windijs";
configHandler(blurConfig, v => css({ "--w-backdrop-blur": `blur(${v})` })
Like configHandler, but based on the color object, generate css by css property or build function.
Color Object
The color object refers to the object whose value is the css color value.
- Normal object
const borderColorConfig = {
red: "#FF0000",
blue: "#006EFF",
// border.red, boder.blue, ...
- With default value
const borderColorConfig = {
red: "#FF0000",
blue: "#006EFF",
// border, border.red, border.blue, ...
- Nested object
const borderColorConfig = {
red: {
DEFAULT: "#FF0000",
100: "#FF1111",
blue: {
200: "#006FFF",
// border, border.red, border.red[100], border.blue, border.blue[200], ...
- Special values
const borderColorConfig = {
inherit: "inherit",
current: "currentColor",
transparent: "transparent",
black: "black",
rgb: "rgb(22, 13, 14)",
rgba: "rgba(22, 13, 14, 0.5)",
hsl: "hsl(360, 100%, 50%)",
hsla: "hsla(360, 100%, 50%, 0.3)",
hwb: "hwb(194 0% 0%)",
hwba: "hwb(194 0% 0% / .5)",
// border.inherit, boder.current, ... border.rgb, border.rgba, ...
function colorHandler<T extends object>(colors: T, colorProperty: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[]): StyleProxyHandler<T>;
function colorHandler<T extends object, O extends object = {}>(
colors: T,
build: (value: unknown) => StyleObject<O> | undefined
): Handler<NestedProxy<T, StyleObject<O>>>;
function colorHandler<T extends object>(
colors: T,
colorPropertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc,
colorOpacityProperty?: string
): StyleProxyHandler<T>;
- With normal css property
import { colorHandler } from "windijs";
import { colors } from "@windijs/utilities";
colorHandler(colors, "borderColor");
- With unusual css property
import { colorHandler } from "windijs";
import { colors } from "@windijs/utilities";
colorHandler(colors, prop`--w-ring-color`);
- with opacity name
If you specify an opacity name, besides the color value, an opacity property variable will generated. Then you can define the opacity utility
to change the transparency.
import { colorHandler } from "windijs";
import { colors } from "@windijs/utilities";
colorHandler(colors, prop`--w-ring-color`, "--w-ring-opacity");
Generated css example:
.ring-gray {
--w-ring-opacity: 1;
--w-ring-color: rgba(22, 22, 22, var(--w-ring-opacity));
Input a CSSObject
or StyleObject
, return a handler, usually used for handling default css.
function cssHandler(cssOrStyle: StyleObject | CSSObject | CSSMap): Handler<StyleObject>;
const backdrop = createUtility("backdrop")
"--w-backdrop-blur": "var(--w-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)",
// ...
configHandler(blurConfig, v => css({ "--w-backdrop-blur": `blur(${v})` }))
// ...
Handles any number and return a StyleObject
function numberHandler<
T extends object = {
[key: number]: StyleObject;
>(propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc, size: "" | CSSDimensionType = ""): Handler<T>;
const col = createUtility("col").use(numberHandler("gridColumn")).init();
// col[0], col[1], col[2], col[999], ...
Generated css example:
.col-1 {
grid-column: 1;
You can also pass in a dimension.
const border = createUtility("border").use(numberHandler("borderWidth", "px")).init();
// border[0], border[1], border[2], border[999], ...
Generated css example:
.border-1 {
border-width: 1px;
Handles any number and turn it into a px
dimension, return a StyleObject
function pxHandler<
T extends object = {
[key: number]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc): Handler<T>;
const border = createUtility("border").use(pxHandler("borderWidth")).init();
// border[0], border[1], border[2], border[999], ...
Generated css example:
.border-1 {
border-width: 1px;
Handles any number and turn it into a rem
dimension, return a StyleObject
function remHandler<
T extends object = {
[key: number]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc): Handler<T>;
const border = createUtility("border").use(pxHandler("borderWidth")).init();
// border[0], border[1], border[2], border[999], ...
Generated css example:
.border-1 {
border-width: 1rem;
Handles any number and turn it into a deg
dimension, return a StyleObject
function degHandler<
T extends object = {
[key: number]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc): Handler<T>;
const rotate = createUtility("rotate").use(degHandler("rotate")).init();
// rotate[0], rotate[1], rotate[30], rotate[90], ...
Generated css example:
.rotate-60 {
rotate: 60deg;
Handles any number and turn it into a ms
dimension, return a StyleObject
function msHandler<
T extends object = {
[key: number]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc): Handler<T>;
const delay = createUtility("delay")
.use(msHandler([prop`-webkit-transition-delay`, prop`-o-transition-delay`, "transitionDelay"]))
// delay[300], delay[1000], delay[1234], ...
Generated css example:
.delay-300 {
-webkit-transition-delay: 300ms;
-o-transition-delay: 300ms;
transition-delay: 300ms;
Handles any number and turn it into a spacing
value (${number}/4rem
), return a StyleObject
function spacingHandler<
T extends object = {
[key: number]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc): Handler<T>;
const p = createUtility("p").use(spacingHandler("padding")).init();
// p[0], p[1], p[2], p[4], ...
Generated css example:
.p-4 {
padding: 1rem;
Handles any fraction value and turn it into a percentage
value, return a StyleObject
function fractionHandler<
T extends object = {
[key: number]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc): Handler<T>;
const w = createUtility("w").use(fractionHandler("width")).init();
// w["1/2"], p["3/4"], w["4/5"], ...
Generated css example:
.w-3\/4 {
width: 75%;
Make a prop callable, usually use within case(...)
If you want to make utility callable, you should pass the function into init()
const rgbFunc = (red: number, green: number, blue: number) => css({ backgroundColor: `rgb(${red}, ${green}, ${blue})` });
const bg = createUtility("bg").use(colorsHandler(colors, "backgroundColor")).init(rgbFunc);
// bg.red, bg.red[500], ...
// bg(22, 22, 22), ...
function callHandler<F extends Function, R extends object = {}>(call: F, plugin?: Handler<R>): Handler<F & R>;
const rgbFunc = (red: number, green: number, blue: number) => css({ backgroundColor: `rgb(${red}, ${green}, ${blue})` });
const bg = createUtility("bg").case("rgb", callHandler(rgbFunc)).init();
// bg.rgb(22, 22, 22)
You can put in another handler, so that it can still handle other props.
const bg = createUtility("bg")
.case("rgb", callHandler(rgbFunc, colorsHandler(colors, "backgroundColor")))
// bg.rgb(22, 22, 22), bg.rgb.red, bg.rgb.red[500], ...
Handles props with the utility configuration passed in. The value of utility configuration can be StyleObject
or Handler
, if there are multiple handlers, they should combined by meld method.
function setupHandler<T extends object>(config: T): Handler<SetUp<T>>;
const bg = createUtility("bg")
red: css({ backgroundColor: "red" }),
size: configHandler(backgroundSizeConfig, "backgroundSize"),
// bg.red, bg.size.auto, ...
Create a generic haandler by function, usually used to handle default cases.
function genericHandler<
R = {
[key: string]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(property: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[], handler: handleDynamicWithValue): Handler<R>;
function genericHandler<
R = {
[key: string]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(handler: handleDynamic): Handler<R>;
function genericHandler<
R = {
[key: string]: StyleObject<{}>;
>(handler: handleDynamic): Handler<R>;
function backgroundGenericHandler() {
return genericHandler<{ [key: string]: StyleObject }>("backgroundColor", prop => {
if (isNumber(prop)) return "#" + (+prop).toString(16);
return prop;
const bg = createUtility("bg").use(backgroundGenericHandler()).init();
// bg[0x1c1c1e], bg[0xffffff], bg.currentColor, bg["rgba(22, 22, 22, 0.8)"] ...
Handler Helpers
These are the common handler helpers that you need to master.
Convert a CSSObject
or CSSMap
to a StyleObject
function css<D extends Record<string, unknown>>(css: CSSObject | CSSMap, data?: D, meta?: UtilityMeta): StyleObject<D>;
- Object
fontSize: "13px",
"&:hover": {
fontSize: "14px",
- Map
const m = new Map() as CSSMap;
m.set("width", "100%");
m.set("marginLeft", "auto");
m.set("marginRight", "auto");
will ensure the order of generated css. This is especially useful, for example, when using keyframes, you may want to keep the keyframes on top of the animation.
Force a string to StyleProperties
type, equal to "some-prop" as StyleProperties
function prop(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...expr: string[]): StyleProperties;
Combine multiple handlers into one handler, using up to 26 handlers. It's usually used for using multiple handlers in a case.
function meld(...handlers: Handler<unknown>[]): Handler<unknown>;
const space = createUtility("space")
.case("x", meld(guard("reverse", spaceBetweenXReverseHandler()), configHandler(spaceBetweenConfig, buildSpaceBetweenX)))
.case("y", meld(guard("reverse", spaceBetweenYReverseHandler()), configHandler(spaceBetweenConfig, buildSpaceBetweenY)))
// space.x.reverse, space.x[2], space.x[4], ...
// space.y.reverse, space.y[2], space.y[4], ...
Add a match key to the handler, the function is like case(key, ...)
, but it can nested inside case or meld.
function guard<K extends string, R>(key: K, handler: Handler<R>): Handler<{ [P in K]: R }>;
const divide = createUtility("divide")
.case("x", meld(guard("reverse", divideXReverseHandler()), configHandler(borderWidthConfig, buildDivideX)))
.case("y", meld(guard("reverse", divideYReverseHandler()), configHandler(borderWidthConfig, buildDivideY)))
// divide.x.reverse, divide.x[2], divide.x[4], ...
// divide.y.reverse, divide.y[2], divide.y[4], ...
Create a new custom handler.
function handler<R>(type: string, get: (prop: string) => R, meta?: object): Handler<R>;
import { buildStatic, handler, isFraction, fracToPercent } from "windijs";
export function fractionHandler(propertyOrBuildFunc) {
return handler("fraction", p => (isFraction(p) ? buildStatic(fracToPercent(p)) : undefined));
Check if something is a Handler
function isHandler<R>(i: unknown): i is Handler<R>;
isHanlder(configHandler(borderRadiusConfig, "borderRadius")); // true
Custom Handler
You are able to customize handler by extending built-in handler or recreating a new handler.
Extending built-in handler
You can extract the handler that you feel redundant into another independent handler. For example:
configHandler(colors, "backgroundColor", "--w-bg-opacity");
can extracted into
export function backgroundColorHandler() {
return configHandler(colors, "backgroundColor", "--w-bg-opacity");
Another example, configHandler
doesn't support handling Array by default, fontFamilyHandler
convert Array to string first, then pass it to configHandler
export function fontFamilyHandler(fonts) {
const cssFonts = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(fonts)) {
cssFonts[key] = Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(",") : value;
return configHandler(cssFonts, "fontFamily");
One more example, when you use genericHandler
, you usually want to extract it separately. This example supports bg[0x1c1c1e], bg[0xff0]
, ....
export function backgroundGenericHandler() {
return genericHandler("backgroundColor", prop => {
if (isNumber(prop)) {
return "#" + (+prop).toString(16);
return prop;
Creating new handler
The built-in handlers is capable for most cases, but sometimes you may want to create your own handler. In this case, you should use handler api.
A handler in fact is a simple object that has 3 elements, type
, meta
, get
- type
- Explain: The type of the handler.
- Type:
"number" | "color" | "config" | "css" | "style" | "call" | "spacing" | "fraction" | "generic" | "setup" | "guard" | "meld" | String
- meta:
- Explain: The meta data of the handler.
- Type:
object | undefined
- get:
- Explain: The function that handles props.
- Type:
(prop: string) => T
Let's take fractionHandler as an example.
import { buildStatic, handler, isFraction, fracToPercent } from "windijs";
export function fractionHandler(propertyOrBuildFunc) {
// the build func, return StyleObject
const build = typeof propertyOrBuildFunc === "function" ? propertyOrBuildFunc : value => buildStatic(propertyOrBuildFunc, value);
return handler("fraction", p => (isFraction(p) ? build(fracToPercent(p)) : undefined));
And if you are using TypeScript, you can also use type assertion.
import { buildStatic, handler, isFraction, fracToPercent } from "windijs";
import type { StyleObject, StyleProperties, BuildFunc, Handler } from "windijs";
export function fractionHandler<T extends object = { [key: string]: StyleObject }>(
propertyOrBuildFunc: StyleProperties | StyleProperties[] | BuildFunc
) {
// the build func, return StyleObject
const build: BuildFunc = typeof propertyOrBuildFunc === "function" ? propertyOrBuildFunc : value => buildStatic(propertyOrBuildFunc, value);
return {
type: "fraction",
get: p => (isFraction(p) ? build(fracToPercent(p)) : undefined),
} as Handler<T>;