How Windi JS Works?
Let's talk about how windijs works.
Proxy API
The Proxy object allows you to create an object that can be used in place of the original object, but which may redefine fundamental Object operations like getting, setting, and defining properties. Proxy objects are commonly used to log property accesses, validate, format, or sanitize inputs, and so on.
This is how MDN explains the Proxy API. Let's take the most commonly used handler in Windi JS, the configHandler as an example.
First, we have a config object such that:
export const borderRadiusConfig = {
DEFAULT: "0.25rem",
none: "0px",
sm: "0.125rem",
md: "0.375rem",
lg: "0.5rem",
full: "9999px",
Its key is the name of the style and its value is the property value of the style. What we want to do is like this, css border-radius: 0.125rem;
should be generated when we call
. The Proxy API allows us to do this. You can simply understand it as follows.
const rounded = new Proxy(borderRadiusConfig, {
get(target, prop) {
if (Refelect.has(target, prop)) {
const value = Refelect.get(target, prop);
return css({
borderRadius: value,
Of course, we have to consider how to deal with DEFAULT
or nested objects, but I think you already understand the basic concept. All the handlers in windi work on a similar principle.
Style Applying
The next question we should address is how to insert generated css into the DOM, that is, what exactly the css
function does. The easiest way is perhaps to define a function, such as apply
, maybe like apply(, text.lg, ...)
, and just insert the generated css like below.
const el = document.createElement("style");
el.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
el.textContent = css;
But I actually don't like the way it works, I don't like having to use a function like apply
to inject css every time. This makes the template look bad and is not very clean and easy to use. So we took a relatively geeky solution, which is Array.prototype.toString
Whether in JS template syntax like
const tmpl = `<div class="${myClass}">Hello World</div>`;
or in JSX syntax
<div className={myClass}>Hello World</div>
If myClass
is an Object, or an Array, or any value, the framework like preact/react or native JavaScript will call the object's toString
method. This means that if we implement the toString
method for our StyleObject
and Array
, we can insert our style in the most concise way.
const myStyleObject = {
css: {
borderRadius: "0.125rem",
toString() {
return myClassName;
And for Array.toString
, we should check if the Array contains a StyleObject
Array.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.join(isStyleArray(this) ? " " : ",");
But it still not end, there is one exception that needs to be handled. The vue.js
framework support the syntax like below:
<div :class="[{ myClassName: true }]"></div>
It's not toString
based, but we would like to support it too. So we can use <div :class="[, font.bold]">
, pretty cool, isn't it?
So the finally StyleObject
that windi uses like below:
const windiStyleObject = new Proxy(
myClassName: true,
[Symbol.for("css")]: {
borderRadius: "0.125rem",
[Symbol.for("meta")]: {
props: ["sm"],
uid: "rounded",
get(target, prop) {
// for react and vanilla
if (prop === "toString") {
return myClassName;
// for vue
if (prop === myClassNmae) {
return true;
// get css or meta
if (prop === "css") return Reflect.get(target, Symbol.for("css"));
if (prop === "meta") return Reflect.get(target, Symbol.for("meta"));
if (Reflect.has(target, prop)) return Reflect.get(target, prop);
It may not look as clean as it was initially, but it does solve the compatibility problem for different frameworks and still maintains strong performance.
Type System
Another topic worth delving into is the type system of Windi JS. Both utilities and css StyleObject
have great intelligent completion, thanks to TypeScript's Intersection Operator.
The object type in TypeScript is very powerful, if we have an object like borderRadiusConfig
, we will get type like this:
type BorderRadiusConfig = {
DEFAULT: string;
none: string;
sm: string;
md: string;
lg: string;
full: string;
Then the configHandler
will perform some type operations, and we get the output.
type BorderRadiusConfigStyle = StyleObject & {
none: StyleObject;
sm: StyleObject;
md: StyleObject;
lg: StyleObject;
full: StyleObject;
Finally, by createUtility.use(...)
API, we combine the different handler types into one type.
const rounded = createUtility("rounded").use(configHandler(borderRadiusConfig, "borderRadius")).use(...).init();
type RoundedType = StyleObject & {
none: StyleObject;
sm: StyleObject;
md: StyleObject;
lg: StyleObject;
full: StyleObject;
} & SomeOtherType & SomeOtherType ...
This is how Windi JS's Type System works.
Config and Plugin
If you think about it, one thing that comes to mind is the fact that Windi JS does not support configuration. Because a config object like borderRadiusConfig
has been hard coded and exported.
Why not use theme?
We know that the previous windi and tailwind were using the theme function to get the theme, like theme("borderRadius")
. But such approach creates two problems when subsumed into the CSS-in-JS framework.
Firstly, the size issue. With this approach, you need to pack all the configurations into the runtime, and it's not easy to tree-shaking. Which means that the more powerful your utilities are, the bigger the runtime will be, especially since windi also includes a lot of animations, which take up a very large size.
The second is that you will lose the type checking and there will be no intelligent completion at all.
How we solved this problem?
The method is actually quite simple to say. Since the Windi JS API schema is very clear, we only need to do a simple text replacement to generate new utilities. For example,
export const rounded = createUtility("rounded").use(configHandler(borderRadiusConfig, "borderRadius")).init();
will be replaced into
export const rounded = createUtility("rounded").use(configHandler(yourCustomBorderRadiusConfig, "borderRadius")).init();
This means that when you use the configuration file, the plugin in fact generating new utilities for you based on the exported mjs file. And it will also do a quick dts generation for you to support intelligent completion.
The part about generating dts will not be covered here. If you are interested, you can check the dts file generated by @windijs/utilities
and you will understand it.