Variant allows you to specify under what circumstances your utilities will activated. You may use the screen size, system appearance, or any pseudo-selector, such as :hover
. You can use variant like ordinary functions in Windi JS.
import { sm, hover } from "@windijs/variants";
import { bg, rounded } from "@windijs/utilities";
const btnStyle = sm(rounded.lg,[300], hover([400]));
Built-in Variants
All built-in variants defined in @windijs/variants.
Note: Variants should follow camelCase naming convention, because dashCase cannot used to name variables in JavaScript, so not-checked -> notChecked
, also they shouldn't start with numbers, for example 2xl -> xxl
, which is different from Windi CSS.
Screen Variants
Variant | Rule | Description |
sm | @media (min-width: 640px) | Enable utility when the screen width is greater than 640px |
md | @media (min-width: 768px) | Enable utility when the screen width is greater than 768px |
lg | @media (min-width: 1024px) | Enable utility when the screen width is greater than 1024px |
xl | @media (min-width: 1280px) | Enable utility when the screen width is greater than 1280px |
xxl | @media (min-width: 1536px) | Enable utility when the screen width is greater than 1536px |
Theme Variants
Variant | Rule | Description |
dark | @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { ... } or .dark .{utility} { ... } | Enable utility base on user configuration |
light | @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { ... } or .light .{utility} { ... } | Enable utility base on user configuration |
Orientation Variants
Variant | Rule | Description |
portrait | @media (orientation: portrait) { ... } | Enable utility when the device is in portrait orientation |
landscape | @media (orientation: landscape) { ... } | Enable utility when the device is in landscape orientation |
Motion Variants
Variant | Rule | Description |
motionSafe | @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { ... } | Targets the prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference media query. |
motionReduce | @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { ... } | Targets the prefers-reduced-motion: reduce media query. |
Pseudo Classes
Variant | Rule | Description |
first | .${utility}:first { ... } | Targets the first-child pseudo-class. |
last | .${utility}:last { ... } | Targets the last-child pseudo-class. |
odd | .${utility}:odd { ... } | Targets the odd-child pseudo-class. |
even | .${utility}:even { ... } | Targets the even-child pseudo-class. |
visited | .${utility}:visited { ... } | Targets the visited pseudo-class. |
checked | .${utility}:checked { ... } | Targets the checked pseudo-class. |
focusWithin | .${utility}:focus-within { ... } | Targets the focus-within pseudo-class. |
hover | .${utility}:hover { ... } | Targets the hover pseudo-class. |
focus | .${utility}:focus { ... } | Targets the focus pseudo-class. |
focusVisible | .${utility}:focus-visible { ... } | Targets the focus-visible pseudo-class. |
active | .${utility}:active { ... } | Targets the active pseudo-class. |
link | .${utility}:link { ... } | Targets the link pseudo-class. |
target | .${utility}:target { ... } | Targets the target pseudo-class. |
notChecked | .${utility}:not(:checked) { ... } | Targets the :not(:checked) pseudo-class. |
default | .${utility}:default { ... } | Targets the default pseudo-class. |
enabled | .${utility}:enabled { ... } | Targets the enabled pseudo-class. |
indeterminate | .${utility}:indeterminate { ... } | Targets the indeterminate pseudo-class. |
invalid | .${utility}:invalid { ... } | Targets the invalid pseudo-class. |
valid | .${utility}:valid { ... } | Targets the valid pseudo-class. |
optional | .${utility}:optional { ... } | Targets the optional pseudo-class. |
required | .${utility}:required { ... } | Targets the required pseudo-class. |
placeholderShown | .${utility}:placeholder-shown { ... } | Targets the placeholder-shown pseudo-class. |
readOnly | .${utility}:read-only { ... } | Targets the read-only pseudo-class. |
readWrite | .${utility}:read-write { ... } | Targets the read-write pseudo-class. |
notDisabled | .${utility}:not(:disabled) { ... } | Targets the :not(:disabled) pseudo-class. |
firstOfType | .${utility}:first-of-type { ... } | Targets the first-of-type pseudo-class. |
notFirstOfType | .${utility}:not(:first-of-type) { ... } | Targets the :not(:first-of-type) pseudo-class. |
lastOfType | .${utility}:last-of-type { ... } | Targets the last-of-type pseudo-class. |
notLastOfType | .${utility}:not(:last-of-type) { ... } | Targets the :not(:last-of-type) pseudo-class. |
notFirst | .${utility}:not(:first-child) { ... } | Targets the not(:first-child) pseudo-class. |
notLast | .${utility}:not(:last-child) { ... } | Targets the not(:last-child) pseudo-class. |
onlyChild | .${utility}:only-child { ... } | Targets the only-child pseudo-class. |
notOnlyChild | .${utility}:not(:only-child) { ... } | Targets the not(:only-child) pseudo-class. |
onlyOfType | .${utility}:only-of-type { ... } | Targets the only-of-type pseudo-class. |
notOnlyOfType | .${utility}:not(:only-of-type) { ... } | Targets the not(:only-of-type) pseudo-class. |
evenOfType | .${utility}:nth-of-type(even) { ... } | Targets the nth-of-type(even) pseudo-class. |
oddOfType | .${utility}:nth-of-type(odd) { ... } | Targets the nth-of-type(odd) pseudo-class. |
root | .${utility}:root { ... } | Targets the root pseudo-class. |
empty | .${utility}:empty { ... } | Targets the empty pseudo-class. |
Pseudo Elements
Variant | Rule | Description |
before | .{utility}::before { ... } | Targets the before pseudo-element. |
after | .{utility}::after { ... } | Targets the after pseudo-element. |
firstLetter | .{utility}::first-letter { ... } | Targets the first-letter pseudo-element. |
firstLine | .{utility}::first-line { ... } | Targets the first-line pseudo-element. |
marker | .{utility} *::marker, {utility}::marker | Targets the marker pseudo-element. Can used inheritable. |
selection | .{utility}::selection { ... } | Targets the selection pseudo-element. |
Parent Selectors
Variant | Rule | Description |
groupHover | .group:hover .${utility} { ... } | Targets an element when a marked parent matches the hover pseudo-class. |
groupFocus | .group:focus .${utility} { ... } | Targets an element when a marked parent matches the focus pseudo-class. |
groupActive | .group:active .${utility} { ... } | Targets an element when a marked parent matches the active pseudo-class. |
groupVisited | .group:visited .${utility} { ... } | Targets an element when a marked parent matches the visited pseudo-class. |
Child Selectors
Variant | Rule | Description |
svg | .${utility} svg { ... } | Targets svg nodes. |
all | .${utility} * { ... } | Targets all nodes. |
children | .${utility} > * { ... } | Targets children nodes. |
siblings | .${utility} ~ * { ... } | Targets siblings nodes . |
sibling | .${utility} + * { ... } | Targets first sibling node. |
Learn more about built-in variants, read the variants api documents here.
Create Variant Via API
You can quickly create variants through the following APIs.
Create a new variant.
import { createVariant } from "windijs";
export const hv = createVariant("&:hover");
export const children = createVariant("& > *");
export const notFirst = createVariant("&:not(:first-child)");
export const sm = createVariant("@media (min-width: 720px)");
Abbreviation of createVariant(@media ...)
import { createMedia } from "windijs";
export const sm = createMedia("(min-width: 720px)");
export const onlyMd = createMedia("(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px)");
Helper for creating darkMode variants.
function createDarkModeVariants(media = true): { dark: VariantBuilder; light: VariantBuilder };
import { createDarkModeVariants } from "windijs";
// follow system appearance, generate `@media ...`
export const { dark, light } = createDarkModeVariants();
// generate `.dark &`, `.light &`
export const { dark, light } = createDarkModeVariants(false);
Helper for creating screen variants. Generate @media (min-width: ...)
or @media (max-width: ...)
function createScreenVariants<T extends object>(screens: T, mobile = true): Record<keyof T, VariantBuilder>;
import { createScreenVariants } from "windijs";
const screens = {
sm: "640px",
md: "768px",
lg: "1024px",
export const { sm, md, lg } = createScreenVariants(screens);
Helper for creating orientation variants. Generate @media (orientation: ...)
function createOrientationVariants<T extends object>(orientations: T): Record<keyof T, VariantBuilder>;
import { createOrientationVariants } from "windijs";
export const { portrait, landscape } = createOrientationVariants({
portrait: "portrait",
landscape: "landscape",
Helper for creating motion variants. Generate @media (prefers-reduced-motion: ...)
function createMotionVariants<T extends object>(motions: T): Record<keyof T, VariantBuilder>;
import { createMotionVariants } from "windijs";
export const { motionSafe, motionReduce } = createMotionVariants({
motionSafe: "no-preference",
motionReduce: "reduce",
Create variants by user variants config.
This api may renamed to setupVariants
from next version.
export const { sm, hover, dark } = setupVariant({
sm: "@media (min-width: 640px)",
hover: "&:hover",
dark: ".dark &",
Create Variant Via Config
If you have created the configuration file of windi, windi.config.js
or windi.config.ts
. You can define or overwrite variants in your config file.
import { defineConfig } from "windijs";
export default defineConfig({
variants: {
sm: "@media (min-width: 640px)",
hover: "&:hover",
dark: "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)",
hocus: "&:hover, &:focus",
// TODO: support array variants
smDark: ["@media (min-width: 640px)", "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)"],
smDarkHover: ["@media (min-width: 640px)", "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)", "&:hover"],
Then you can import them from virtual:variants
or just use global define if you enabled the automatic import of windi plugin. For more configuration, please refer to Vite Plugin.
import { bg, rounded } from "@windijs/utilities";
import { sm, smDarkHover } from "virtual:variants";
sm([500], rounded.lg, smDarkHover([300]));
Note: The configuration file can only work when you install the @windijs/plugin-utils.
Applying Variant
Usually, you use variant like a function. Yet, in some special cases, you may want to use custom variant quickly without specifying them as variables or putting them in config file. The following Apis can help you complete this work.
Create a variant and apply it to utilities.
function useVariant(rule: string, utilities: Utilities[]): StyleObject[];
import { useVariant } from "windijs";
import { bg, p, rounded } from "@windijs/utilities";
const btnStyle = useVariant("&:hover", [[500], p[2], rounded.lg]);
Create a media variant and apply it to utilities.
function useMedia(rule: string, utilities: Utilities[]): StyleObject[];
import { useMedia } from "windijs";
import { bg, p, rounded } from "@windijs/utilities";
const btnStyle = useMedia("(min-width: 400px)", [[500], p[2], rounded.lg]);
Shorthand for useVariant.
function variant(rule: string, ...utilities: Utilities[]): StyleObject[];
import { variant } from "windijs";
import { bg, p, rounded } from "@windijs/utilities";
const btnStyle = variant("&:hover",[500], p[2], rounded.lg);
Shorthand for useMedia.
function media(rule: string, ...utilities: Utilities[]): StyleObject[];
import { media } from "windijs";
import { bg, p, rounded } from "@windijs/utilities";
const btnStyle = media("(min-width: 400px)",[500], p[2], rounded.lg);